Friday 25 December 2015



Alhamdulillah, it is 2048 hours and things has finally calmed down a bit, at least for me. Today is Kak Qilah's engagement day, so after Jumaat prayer (today is Friday), there are many people (relatives, mostly) coming to our house. So, I have to balance between helping out, entertaining the guests, developing rapport with my relatives and quite importantly, work on my Instructional Design Final Project Report. It is a group work, but apparently, since Hasrul did awesome and quite a lot of work designing the Drug.Ed booklet, and Kak Shaza did an awesome job creating Drug.Ed mobile application, apparently it is my sole duty to come out with awesome final project report. And that is what I am trying to do. i gues there is still about 30% left to be done. I am currently sitting in Adik Fifi's room as I am writing this, with my Acer laptop on my lap, underneath it is my Designing Effective Instruction by Morrison et al. (2007).

Just now, about 10 minutes ago, we sent kind Uncle Lek and Auntie Harisun and Humaira and Alif as they went back home. Alhamdulillah, with Allah's will I remembered about Uncle Lek's "medication" that he left in the refrigerator. And I we were near the 'titi' outside our house, I stand quite tall above the divided at the 'titi'. Adik Fifi came towards me, and I had expected that she will try to act as if she wants to push me into the 'parit'. I let her try, and I told her I had expected that. And then I added that I had predicted her moves five steps ahead before she even complete one step. Then, she jokingly tried to pull me so that I fall back on the road, on the 'titi'. I just wanted to try and implement some psychological technique, so I told her, I had predicted that, too. I told her I predicted that she will try to push me into the 'parit' and once she failed to do so and I told her that I read her movement, she will try to do directly the opposite. I read that, too, I told her. So, she just stand straight and ask me, what will she do, next? Using my past experiences, I just made a guess, but I made it sound confident, as if I really predicted her movement. I said, now she did not know what to do, she just stand there because I had already predicted her two movements. She was impressed, and asked, "Berapa lama Abang dah hidup?" seeming that I am wise enough to predict her movement correctly. Subhanallah. :-)

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