Monday 15 February 2016

15.02.2016 (Monday)

15.02.2016 (Monday)

0845 hours. Alhamdulillah, I woke up for Subuh and after that recited Al-Quran. Came across one interesting ayat in Al-Quran, specifically the last ayat in Surah Al-Fath, where Allah mentioned directly that "Muhammad is the messenger of Allah". Subhanallah. Also, in that ayat, Allah elaborated the characteristics of a Muslim according to the Torah (Taurat) and Bible (Injil). Subhanallah, Allahuakbar.

I am planning to have breakfast now, inshaaAllah, of the char kuey teow that I bought last night at Restoran Santapan Rahsia, accompanied with some Adabi coffee. Feels like not going to UM today and work at home instead. Who cares, right, as long as I get the work done.

Note: Today is Sophy (Sofea)'s birthday. I have wished her good things last night, both on the 'TESL Kingdom' WhatsApp group and to her privately.

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